Pray for our Health Feb 14, 2025

Pray for our Health Feb 14, 2025 This is an update and request for our health.

I wanted to update everybody that is praying for us, especially for our health.Well, both Tule and I have the flu. We have a wonderful time all night, keeping eat other awake coughing. Please keep us in your prayers. I asked one of our men to preach for me last Sunday, and we have another invited guess this Sunday, so I will only be preaching Sunday PM, and I pray God will give me a good time preaching without coughing.I went to the Urologist, and he didn’t seem like the tumor in my kidney was anything urgent. He said I would have to have more tests within a year of the first tests. So that didn’t sound so dire or urgent.He wanted me to go to an Internist, which I have been doing for the past few months. That doctor recommended that I go see a Nutrition expert to help me get my blood sugar down. Which we did see her Thursday. So I started that new diet today (Friday, February 14). Her diet seems very balanced, and “doable”. When you balance out the food groups, including some of each in every meal, I don’t always want to eat all of it because I get filled up before I finish eating. So it is not really a diet in the sense of not eating a lot, but it is a diet because I have to eat very specific things. We will see how my blood sugar responses.Please continue to pray for us as we serve the Lord here in Mexico City.

Pray for our Health Feb 14, 2025