June 2024 Cox Prayer Update

June 2024 Cox Prayer Update is an update on our ministry in Mexico. Our attendance is increasing!

Prayer Letter for David and Tule Cox Mexico

June 2024

Our Work

We are encouraged that our church attendance is picking up somewhat. We have had a family of 5 come recently to visit, and the uncle, Carlos, appears to return every week. The two grown girls work at Walmart and have scheduling problems some weekends. We met them one Sunday morning in the McDonalds beside the church where we eat some Sunday breakfasts. Tule invited them, “because they look like Christians.” But that was before Covid, and recently one of our church members gave them a tract in street witnessing, and they finally came to visit us. They appeared to understand, and enjoyed the sermon, and the girls took notes during the sermon which was refreshing for me. Another man unrelated to them, Antonio, also came last Sunday and was very happy it would appear. We still have several people not coming or coming only when able that are recovering from operations.

Pray for our Sick

We have a number of sick in our group, and although most of these come sporadically, they still are in touch with us. Luz Maria and her daughter, Marcela, are not coming physically but are in Zoom every service. Luz just finished another cancer treatment with gamma rays, called cyberknife. I have never heard of that before, so I think it is something new. Raul is waiting for a hernia operation July 10. Juan Roblero had eye surgery back a few months ago, and he is recovering, and now he is slated for a prostate operation July 8. Miguel Ángel is recuperating from a hernia operation. Marta Orozco doesn’t come much anymore. She is well up in years. Isabel has health problems that the doctors are not sure what is wrong with her. She is a grandmother, alone. Please pray for her housing situation, because she went in with her daughter and two granddaughters to sell Isabel’s apartment and, with her daughter and granddaughter, buy another one on the first floor (she cannot get up and down the stairs so well), and after some arguments and other things, they will buy the new apartment, but they don’t want Isabel to live there, just the daughters and grandchildren. Unbelievable what we see happening these days. Isabel is very distraught. Marta and Eduardo are struggling with Eduardo’s dialysis and the little store that they own. I believe they have had to employee somebody to help with the store, because Eduardo just cannot work. Juan Maldonado and Susanna are missing some. They are faithful but elderly, and Juan is recovering from a prostate operation. They come in public transportation, so they are having problems. Julio is one of our elders, and he recently had an eye operation to remove fat from under his eyes. The doctor told him that was needed because it was affecting his eyesight. He has missed a lot over the past month. He started with patches over his eyes, and they removed them, and then put them back on, so when he is like that he cannot see and stays home.

Pastor David and Tule

We are doing well, keeping up with the ministry. Please pray for us and our health though, because my cold that I had in June is still around. Tule had it, and she is over it. I am wondering if this is the new flu bug that will probably explode this summer. But I am doing well, I just have attacks like hay fever. Our doctor says it is not that. I just get a runny nose and sneeze for a while, and it goes away. Please pray with us about our financial situation. We are seeing churches that just stop sending their support. This is very difficult, and I am sure they are having financial problems. Some will send something every 3-6 months, but not what they had been sending before. The inflation here is also growing.

We continue faithfully serving Him. We continue to serve our Lord both in working with the church and evangelism. We just want to spend our lives serving our Savior faithfully.

Prayer Updates: https://www.davidcoxmex.com/prayer-updates/recent

David and Tule Cox Mexico City (321) 900-8885 [email protected]                            June 2024

Send Donations to:   Orlando Bible Church (memo line: “for the Coxes”)
4405 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 894-0208 [email protected]

June 2024 Cox Prayer Update