David Cox’s Health Issues is a post update for prayer about my (David Cox) health issues with my legs.
As a prayer update, I would ask that you pray for me. I have a tingling in my legs. At times they are very heavy. I have studied it on the Internet, and I think it is called tired feet syndrome. Added to this I have varicose veins as well as some arthritis and maybe some hardening of the arteries. The hardening of the arteries is in my family.
It is very uncomfortable. I find that walking helps it, but in our neighborhood it is dangerous, and I am very tired after very little walking. So I have my circuit in my living room and I walk around it sometimes dozens of times when they are giving me problems.
At night I have more problems with them than in the day. Some nights I get up more than one time to walk around my circuit in the dark.
I have changed internist doctors now because I did not think the old doctor (under30) was helpful. The new doctor is much older probably in her late 50s or 60s. What she changed in my medicine is seeming to help. I am trying not to eat any or very few carbohydrates.
She recommended me to also go to an angiologist (specialist in heart and blood vessels). We went to him and he did ultrasounds on my legs and said everything was perfect. No problems there. He told us that many times flat footed people have consequences in their spinal cord (medula) that pinces the nerves and cuts off blood supply to the legs. So I will go there next in my quest to have calm feet and legs. Please pray for me.
David Cox’s Health Issues