Cox Prayer Update for April 2023

Cox Prayer Update for April 2023 for the Cox Family Missionaries in Mexico City, Mexico. Pray for our work.

Prayer Letter for David and Tule Cox in Mexico City
April 2023

Greetings from Mexico! We continue to work with the church. It has been very difficult over the past few months (since before Christmas) because our people just seem to be worn out. I think a lot of the Covid stuff still hasn’t totally “passed”, and they are stressed out. We still hear of people dying from Covid, sick with it. Mexico is supposedly “coming out” of Covid restrictions, and people are traveling again (and having their parties). Mexicans have a party fever about them usually. But we are not back to a normal life. Inflation continues to go up though.

Our Work

Our people continue to pass out tracts. I continue to preach and put my sermons into tract form and upload them onto my websites and give out copies in our church. These tracts are reaching people from what I can see. People have communicated with me that they are using my tracts as sermons and handouts in their churches. I get contacts with people who are using my tracts for evangelism and giving to people who need what is in them. Pray for some people in the church that are not coming, and they have sin in their lives. I have dealt with them, but we will see what happens.

It seems like that we have several sick people now. Juan Roblero needs cataract surgery, and he doesn’t have the several thousand dollars to get it done. He is a taxicab driver, so he is really reduced in his income now. Joseph, an unemployed American living in Mexico, had cataract surgery recently, and he is recovering (still not working). Cecilia needs gall bladder surgery. Enselmo also needs and is waiting on surgery. There are others among our group that are also sick.

Tule’s brother-in-law, Dr. Razo has cancer in his kidney. They operated on him. He is in intensive care at the moment. Although Tule’s sister (she is saved) witnessed to him, he eventually divorced her because she wasn’t Catholic anymore. A Pentecostal pastor witnessed to him, and he is “now saved”, and they had a party announcing he was cured of his cancer (by this pastor). Somehow the gospel is twisted into being a physical healing of disease instead of a relationship with the Savior. I called him and talked with him to ask him about his salvation, but all I could get out of him was that he did what the pastor told him to do, which was to ask forgiveness of everybody in his life that he had wronged. I explained the gospel to him at that point, but he wasn’t interested. Please pray for him as he drifts in and out of consciousness in ICU.

Our Health

I am glad that God gave me a great wife in Tule. While I have physical problems that seem to get better with time, only to have more problems later, Tule is the constant in my life. Always cleaning the house, cooking, and taking care of me. Praise God for this wonderful gift! My health has been good over these past few months.

A new Mission work started and stopped.

In my last prayer letter, I mentioned that a former assistant pastor of our church, Roberto Perez and his wife Victoria moved about 3 hours away to start a mission work under our church. Unfortunately, Roberto died shortly after moving into the area. He didn’t even really begin services (he was working in visiting and evangelizing first), and he died in his sleep. Victoria has moved in with her family in that area at first, but since she has no income, she has returned to Mexico City to live with her grown children. Pray for her sustenance.

Please pray for us and the work of the Lord here.

2023-04 Cox Prayer Update April 2023.pdf

Contact Information

Prayer Updates:

David and Tule Cox Mexico City (321) 900-8885                                                    April 28, 2023

Send Donations to:   Orlando Bible Church (memo line: “for the Coxes”)
4405 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 894-0208

Cox Prayer Update for April 2023