Pastor Promos

Missionary David CoxDear Pastor,

You have come to our website, and so this page is to introduce you a little bit about us. We are Fundamental Baptist missionaries, and yes we do consider Bible Churches as our brethren.  I was born and raised in a Baptist Church in Charleston SC. I went to the Wilds Christian Camp, and was saved there in my last year of high school. My parents were devote Christians, and had all of us kids in church for every service, including Wednesdays and Sunday nights. I went to Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, and graduated in 1976 with a B.A. in Christian Missions (Greek language minor), a M.A. Bible, and a M.S. in Educational Administration and Supervision. Since 1985, I have been a missionary in Mexico City working in evangelism and church planting. In 1992 I met my future wife, Tule Meza Castro, and we were married in my home church in Charleston in 1993. She accepted the Lord here in a church, and joined our church plant before we started dating.

To Contact me: [email protected]

Some of our Pastor Promotional Literature

Missionary Packet - David Cox
Missionary Packet - David Cox
Missionary Packet - David Cox Version 1_2(2).pdf
Version: 1.2 2015 spring
517.1 KiB
Missionary Packet-Where We Go And Don't Go Version 1
Missionary Packet-Where We Go And Don't Go Version 1
Missionary Packet-Where we Go and Don't Go version 1.pdf
91.7 KiB
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Gene Ball
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Gene Ball
Missionary Recommendation from Pastor Gene Ball.pdf
60.8 KiB
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Scott Letzring
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Scott Letzring
Missionary Recommendation from Pastor Scott Letzring.pdf
51.8 KiB

Our Ministry

Our principal ministry is our local church. I preach and teach in Iglesia Bautista Fundamental (Fundamental Baptist Church) each Sunday. Normally I delegate all the Sunday School classes to the men of the church. When we are in the states, they take over all of the preaching and teaching. At the moment we have about 6 men, 2 can preach somewhat, and the rest are struggling to learn. We have recently (Spring 2013) had 3 more men accept the offer to occasionally teach an adult Sunday School class. We go out (encouraging our people to go with us) to evangelize door to door on Saturdays.

My Writing Ministry

My WritingI also have undertaken a ministry in written material for our people (and any else who wishes to use it). This ministry has taken shape into my writing short books, tracts, Sunday School lessons, and other material for the general body of Christ. Some of it I am translating into English. All of my writings are free thanks to you fine supporters who back us up with your monthly gifts. I have around 66 books in Spanish (a couple of dozen in English), and I am writing all the time. My best work is “The Dress of the Christian Woman”, which has had around 5,000 downloads or reads every month since around 2004. We have around 280 Spanish tract titles.

Tracts: (Spanish:
Spanish books:
Spanish SS Classes:

My Spanish Hymn Website

Classic Hymn WebsiteI do not play the piano nor any instrument. My wife does not either. We find ourselves in the same condition as many, many latin churches. As a result, I have found that recording hymns and singing with a recording works very well. We do believe in modern praise music, nor the Christian rock and roll in many churches. As such, there would seem to be very little for a pastor of my views. So I made my own way through this mess, and came up with Karaoke. Karaoke is where you use a computer screen or projector (we have a video projector) and the karaoke program puts the words on the screen, and they change color as the song progresses. I put our standard classical old fashioned hymns into a midi and made karaoke which we use in our services. I share this with people for free on the Internet. (Your support goes towards paying these expenses.) Right now (spring 2013) we have around 130 hymns on the website. I also edited a Microsoft Word document which can be printed as a hymnal, so that churches can use a printed version if they so desire.

Hymnal Website:

Church Planting Musings

church plant

What I am doing is basically working in evangelism, and planting a local church. As such, I think my experiences give me insight on many things involved in church planting, and in working as the pastor of a church in general. As such, I wanted to share my experiences and points of view with others, and started an English Website to accomplish that purpose.

This website along with another website which I work on from time to time about the differences between religious groups and theologies, , serve to orientate younger or inexperienced ministers as they try to start and run local churches as I am doing. Likewise, these websites have opened a counseling door for me to help other people in problems in their own life, as well as ministers with problems in their ministries and churches.


My Christian Library

bible-study-download-iconAt the beginning of my ministry, I left the US with $550/month support. I had no money for buying a good Christian library. When the Internet came around, I began looking for anything I could use as far as good Christian books for my small library. With time I found a lot, and thus began my collections for my Christian library. At first I started with several purchased Bible software programs, and then I found e-Sword. When I came across theWord, I saw it was much better than e-Sword, and have been working in that since. I also got an Android tablet, and starting working in MySword, which is the free Bible software for Android devices.

In I have around 2600 articles, books, commentaries, dictionaries, maps, etc. About 98% are free (some of the premium modules are Bible versions that are still under copyright). Slowly I am copying these files into e-Sword and MySword formats. Likewise I am using this library to write more books in Spanish, and upload them into the mix of things for free download. Although this is not my main ministry, I invest my time into it because I still have no funds for buying things, and I share what God provides for me with others.

I have gotten emails from Bible Institutes (both in English and Spanish) that download and use these libraries for their students. One in South Africa told me that his church can give a complete English library of more than 2000 books on a USB memory stick drive, along with theWord free Bible program, and his students have more books on that drive than he as pastor and missionary has in his office! The benefit of this is tremendous. In another similar situation in Kenya, a missionary downloads the files from the airport internet connection for their Bible students in their seminary because they have horrible Internet connections.

English: Spanish:


Deputation Services

We are actively trying to visit US churches and raise more support. We would request that you partner with us by first and foremost praying with us about our ministry and our financial situation. If you feel led of God to have us come and present our ministry to your people, we would be glad to do so. Please contact us. [email protected]

We are trying to arrange a trip to the US every year in July-August-September or other times during the year. We need at least 3-4 churches to visit to make the trip economically feasible. Please email me stating that you would like for us to come visit your church and what months would be best, and I will do everything possible to plan something in your time frame.

Our Support Situation

Our situation here is that we want to devote our lives to the work of the Lord, and as we raise up a small group of people, 1) they are slowly taking on part of our support, and 2) we are training nationals to take over the work in the future. We do not know the future, but either we will leave this work in good hands and begin another or we will continue here into our retirement years. God will guide us when He sees fit to inform and confirm to us what is His will.

I consider that a good support level for what we are doing is $3500/month for both personal and ministry expenses. As such, we have never had that much money coming in. We have always been around $2300-$2600/month for personal and ministry support (65%). As the US economic problem worsens, our churches likewise are having problems, and our monthly support has fallen below $2000/month. We have no emergency funds, nor money invested in anything, except about $5,000 in retirement.

Our Request

Please consider praying for us. If your economic situation makes monthly or even a single special donation possible, please contact us.

To Contact me: [email protected]

Although this following video is from Youth with a Mission (A Cult group), it does make a nice presentation about the importance of a missionary.

Missionary Packet - David Cox
Missionary Packet - David Cox
Missionary Packet - David Cox Version 1_2(2).pdf
Version: 1.2 2015 spring
517.1 KiB
Missionary Packet-Where We Go And Don't Go
Missionary Packet-Where We Go And Don't Go
Missionary Packet-Where we Go and Don't Go version 1(2).pdf
Version: 1 spring 2015
91.7 KiB
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Gene Ball
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Gene Ball
Missionary Recommendation from Pastor Gene Ball.pdf
60.8 KiB
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Scott Letzring
Missionary Recommendation From Pastor Scott Letzring
Missionary Recommendation from Pastor Scott Letzring.pdf
51.8 KiB

2 thoughts on “Pastor Promos”

  1. Good day pastor. How is your wife and children. Am inpress in your jurney in christ am just a lad but i ask God to lead me to men that can help me grow in him through great books and testimonies. I wise i could be heard like you in this great faith of life. What more do i have to say? Sir keep on the good work of christ. Here is my contact (removed by administrator) (No personal phone numbers please)

  2. Hola, David:
    Doy gracias a Dios y a tí por tu trabajo en México. Soy Chilango y vivo en San Diego Cal. desde el año 2000.
    Te envié un pequeño donativo a [email protected], pero noté que otra parte de tu web site dirije los donativos a otra dirección, [email protected].
    Te lo aviso por si hay un error que cause que no te estén llegando todas las donaciones.
    Quisiera saber si tienes videos o grabaciones de tus predicaciones y fotos de tu iglesia.
    Sigue dando la buena batalla en el nombre de Jesús nuestro magnífico Señor y Salvador.
    Saludos, Luis Gómez

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