Does Heaven and Hell really exist? [D03]

by David Cox [D03] v1 ©2005 you may freely reproduce this tract This tract basically establishes the Bible doctrine of Heaven and Hell (their existence). First the tract explains why this issue is so important, then it explains that heaven is God’s home (abode), and then establishes that hell is a place of punishment. … Read more

The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity [D02]

There is one God in Three Persons [D02] v1 ©2006 This tract can be freely photocopied This tract outlines the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, explaining what is this doctrine of the trinity, The unity or union of God, the biblical evidences of the trinity, and briefs gives biblical proofs of the deity of … Read more

Why we don’t use images in worship (C05)

by David Cox [C05] ©2008 This tract can be freely used for non-profit use. This tract explains the Bible’s prohibition against using images, icons, and other types of symbolism in our worship of God. Simply put, God cannot be reduced to an image without doing damage to the concept of God, so God “prefers” (commands) … Read more

Fomenting attendence, integration, and participation

Getting People to Faithfully Come, Integrate, and Participate. Why go to Church or Attend Church, Why Congregate. by Missionary David R. Cox What most people do not understand is the importance of sticking with the plan that God has devised for us, the local church. We cannot break with that plan to do some other … Read more