Frequenting non-Baptist churches. – DCox

Do you go to and receive support from churches that do not have “Baptist” in their name? by David R. Cox (c) 2003 The short answer is yes, we do visit for deputation and support purposes churches that do not have “Baptist” in their name. In fact we have several that support us faithfully. If you are … Read more

What is in a name? -DCox

What is in a name? (Especially the Baptist name) by David R. Cox (c) 2003 INTRODUCTION: We use names to distinguish between people, groups, churches, organizations, and things. This is the normal use of names. At the heart of it all, a general name or term is supposed to be a descriptor of the thing that … Read more

What does it mean to be a Separatist? -DCox

What does it mean to be a Separatist? by Missionary David Cox (c) 2003 Introduction “Separatist” has been defined and redefined by people through the years. In its essence, it means to separate or shun something or somebody. I would define being a separatist as . . . (1) somebody who believes strongly in the … Read more

Tracts by David Cox

Photos of David Cox Ministry November 2018

Tracts by David Cox page is a description of our English tract website, This website is where we post the English translation of our Spanish tracts. Tracts by David Cox A very important focus of our church is the door to door evangelism we do every Saturday. I also do a lot of personal … Read more

Ministry History

Our Ministry over the Years Our first church started with 1 member, and slowly we built it up. It has been my custom to go out witnessing door-to-door presenting the gospel, and some years we have gone out daily while other we organize ourselves with our people to go out in group on Saturdays. In … Read more

Investment of tithes in “God’s work”

______________ Having established that the genuis of God is in His creation of the concept and functioning of “the church”, we now look at some specific issues related here. How does a local church relate to the church of God? Church is like marriage, there is a set form or requirements to being in one, … Read more

The Church: the Genius of God

by Pastor David Cox When we begin to examine what is the local church, its concept and definition, we must understand that the local church is a concept conceived in the genuis of God’s mind. It is His answer to how we humans should do the ministry of God. It is His method, and it … Read more

Why we are Independent? G13

Why we are Independent? by David Cox [G13] v1 ©2008 You may freely print this tract for non-profit use _______________ Why we are not part of a denomination or ecclesiastic hierarchy At times people ask me, “Why aren’t you part of a denomination group?” Others agree that they are not part of a denomination either, but … Read more

Only a living example can teach morality

__________ by Pastor David Cox See also my tract G16 The Example of the Man of God But the complaints burst forth, “All the teachers and staff at our Christian university are very moral people! We have the highest moral standards!” Yes, but the problem is that the Bible has established a certain protocol and … Read more

Athanasius Creed

There is one God in Three Persons Life of Athanasis 290-373 A.D. [D07] v1 ©2008 This tract can be reproduced for non-lucrative purposes This tract is simply a brief explanation of the life of Athanasius, the actual creed that he wrote, and some clarifications by me (David Cox). Although I do not endorse all … Read more