How to Give

We are regular local church missionaries.  As such we live by faith. We do what God has told us to do in this life, and God provides for all our needs. Please note that God works through good Christian people who obey God and believe in us in our mission to reach people in Mexico for the Lord. If you would like to send us money, there are several ways of doing so. Please see other non-monetary forms to help us at the bottom “Other ways to support us“.

One time gifts

You may send us a one-time gift to help us in general, or for a specific need we have or a specific purpose. I can only promise that I will do my best to abide by your desires AS LONG AS YOU CLEARLY INDICATE WHAT THEY ARE. If you want money to go to help our two children in their college expenses, that is fine, but please make a note of what is your desire and include it in with you gift (in the envelope if sent by check to Orlando Bible Church or an email to me if via the Internet).

One-time Donation via Paypal

Go to this URL (click on image) you can pay any amount.Donate to David Cox

Future Needs Prayer Requests

►Electric book stapler $400
►New Printer for printing evangelism literature
Note: From 3/21/2018 through 7/23/2018 we printed and distributed 23,000 tracts and 134 books.
►Literature blitz is ongoing…
►Evangelism  and New members for our Church
►Finalizing our Church Constitution

Regular monthly support

Giving to MissionsWe need people and churches to send us money every month. One time gifts are God-sends, but our expenses are monthly, so we need money every month. The preferred method of sending money to us on a regular basis is a check sent via regular mail to Orlando Bible Church (see below for address).

Sending a regular bank Check

You can send a regular bank check through the regular US Mail system to us at our home check.

Orlando Bible Church
4405 East Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32803

Please note that the check needs to be made out to “Orlando Bible Church”, and on the memo line or on a separate piece of paper with the check, you will need to add “For David Cox” in order for it to get to us.

Martina Depue handles our yearly financial contributions acknowledgments, and if you are an individual, she will send you a valid IRS contributions form for your donations over the year to our ministry. Please write her if you have questions about any donations getting through or not. You can also write the Pastor of Orlando Bible Church, Pastor Scott Letzring because he actually deposits any checks that come in the mail to me.

Pastor Scott Letzring <>
Martina DePue <>

We offer accepting donations via Paypal to us also, (see below).

How to send us money

If you have Paypal or want to send online

I have a Paypal account, and you can donate to me via my PayPal account (email: If you have a PayPal account, or if you would like to use a debit or credit card, you can click on the donate button below and it will take you to PayPal to my account where you can add whatever amount you want to donate.

One-time Donation

If you have Paypal ->
Other a normal debit or credit card, pay here and chose Debit or Credit Card.

Note that you can make this donation a recurring donation. You can cancel any of these subscriptions at any time by going into your PayPal setup that Paypal will do for you on your first donation, and cancel the subscription on your end. If you would prefer another monthly donation level, please write me and I will create one for the amount you suggest.

Why Support Missionaries? Because God commands it

According to Acts 1:8, God commanded the disciples to be witnesses in four places, and the last one is “unto the uttermost part of the earth.” All Christians are obligated to fulfill this commandment and many good Christians do witness in their home city, to their country, and to the rejected peoples among them, but missionaries specifically go out to the whole world in fulfillment of this commandment of God. Without missionaries, (or you personally going making you a missionary), no Christian would be fulfilling this commandment. So missionaries are essential people in God’s scheme of things so that without them, no Christian can truly fulfill what God commands us. That means that as an obedient Christian you should pray for and financially support missionaries, and no church is a good, biblical, obedient church unless they are actively supporting missionaries! Read the whole article with more reasons to support missionaries here: Why your church should support missions part1.

Please consider sending monthly financial support or a one-time gift to the Missionaries David and Tule Cox laboring faithfully 30 years in Mexico City, Mexico. (How to send checks or a one time Paypal gift to the Cox Missionary ministry

You can send a regular bank check through the regular US Mail system to us at our home check.

Orlando Bible Church
4405 East Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32803

Please note that the check needs to be made out to “Orlando Bible Church”, and on the memo line or on a separate piece of paper with the check, you will need to add “For David Cox” in order for it to get to us.

Consider setting up a monthly PayPal subscription to our ministry

Payment Options

Other ways to support us – Pray for Us

Perhaps it is most important to start with the most obvious, but sometimes overlooked thing to help us, which is to pray for us.  If you would like to be added to our prayer letter list, there are two ways, an email newsletter, or a snail mail (US Mail) letter.

email newsletter

Please sign up below. You can opt out later at any time, and you can also change your email (keep the email you get from my system when you sign up). If you want to make changes and don’t have the welcome email, just email me at


Snail Mail newsletter

You can write me and request to be put on or removed from my prayer letter/newsletter list. I do move around some from Mexico to the US, and quite frankly, mail to and from Mexico is unreliable.

The best way to get on the snail mail newsletter list is to send me an email at If you are requesting a physical newsletter in the mail, I would suspect you are not wanting to do things on the computer.

So please send your request to

Orlando Bible Church
4405 East Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32803

The newsletter is always free. But please add a piece of paper in your envelope requesting to be put on (or removed, or address changed) David Cox’s Newsletter.

Recent Prayer Card

If you would like a recent prayer card, please send me an email, and I will put one in the mail to you. If you are a pastor that supports us or prays for us, and you would like a number of prayer cards, please email me at and tell me the mailing address and how many you would like.

Personal flash updates

When people write me asking how things are going, and what they can pray for, I always stop what I am doing and write them a personal letter or email and put what’s going on now in there as far as prayer requests and needs. Please don’t hesitate to ask.