Missionary Calling: Processing a call into Ministry

10 Steps to Processing a Call into the Ministry

1. Spend adequate time evaluating what you are sensing.

2. Be patient. Clarity takes time.

3. Seek the counsel of a pastor or professional minister that you respect. Seek honest impressions about the ministry, and your dealing with it.

4. Get involved in ministry right now where you are.

5. Seek affirmation of your calling from others around you.

6. Involve your family in the discussion and the decision.

7. Consult books that can assist you. Books on the philosophy of the ministry. Biographies of respected ministers.

8. Face the tough questions. What are your deepest motives? Why are you really in this?

9. Meet regularly with a mentor. Choose a good trustworthy mentor that believes in you, that knows what you are going to do, and believes in you.

10. Embrace it with everything you’ve got!

Guide to becoming a Full Time Christian Missionary


Discerning One’s Call into the Ministry

Calling into the ministry focuses on character issues, and we need to hunger for God’s righteousness in our lives. We need to love to study the Bible.

Call to the Ministry

Discerning God’s Call

This lady’s talk is good, but I dislike greatly the nose ring in the girl at the beginning. I don’t know why they put that in it for. I think she is Catholic by the way, so be careful about taking everything she says.