Mexico to offer temporary work visas to Central American migrants. This is my opinion on this news article in a Mexico publication (English newspaper).
Update: I live in Mexico City, and we are seeing this with President Lopez Obrador’s administration. He is a populist socialist leaning president. But this will backfire on him. Many people that I talk to want to know why he didn’t do this for all the legions of unemployed Mexicans as well as employed with substandard wages. The point here is why would the Mexican government extend this help to foreign nationals, especially those that forced their way into Mexico without permission, when the same courtesy wasn’t given to Mexican nationals. Oh, this sounds so familiar. The argument is potent, and it stills rings after all the polemic is dispensed with.
Some observations. We are seeing a very few number of Haitians getting jobs here where we live. So they are entering the Mexican work force. Laziness is a great underlying character flaw in people who immigrate, it seems. But of all the Haitians that we see walking the streets here (we don’t have black people in our area, so they are obvious, and they speak some other language, Creole), most are like tourists. Every single one, even the kids, all have cell phones, and they are constantly looking at their cellphones. They are walking around in Bermuda shorts and flip-flops. But the most part of them don’t seem to looking for work. They are now moving into apartments, and everybody here asks, where are they getting their money from? Obviously, they are fleeing Haiti for economic reasons, so from what we are seeing is the Mexican government and family and friends in the US are sending money to them. They are lining up at the ATMS regularly. But it would appear that Joe Biden is giving Obrador millions for the illegals, and Obrador takes his 40% cut from that, and gives left-overs to the migrants. The Mexicans are asking why their government is giving this money to foreigners but not to them. They don’t realize it is Biden paying off Obrador to help the illegals. But in reality, a lot of migrants are not moving north. Not until they are forced to do so, and today I say in Breitbart news where the Mexican government is rounding them up and SENDING THEM TO THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF MEXICO WITH GUATEMALA! Go figure!
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