Missioncraft is the art and science of being a missionary and fulfilling the missionary task. It is truly multi-faceted and takes a tremendous amount of effort, skill, prayer, and knowledge. These articles are written by a missionary-pastor (me), and they are written for others who are missionaries, wanting to become a missionary, or wanting to help missionaries.
Please note my perspective on missions. I believe the heart of missions is when a person goes outside of his own culture and country and wins other people to the Lord by biblical evangelism (presenting the gospel clearly), and then he plants a local church which if he pastors, he builds it with the end goal of turning it over to a national worker.
Biblical missions has the idea of reproducing both individual believers, churches (church planting), and reproducing ministers. The three goals are that the new church plant be 1) self-sufficient, 2) self-governing, 3) self-reproducing. Any ministry lack any of that is deficient and not following Scripture.
- What biblically is “a missionary”?
- The Relationship between Pastors and Missionaries #1
- Orchard parable: The Society for the Picking of Apples
- Helping Returning Missionaries
- Flawed Modern Missionary Methods
- How to Kill Christian Missions
- 10/40 Window
Missionary Helps
- Tips for New Missionaries Support
- The Art of Persuasion
- Mail a Letter
- Missionary Record Journal Book
- Missionary Deputation and Donor Software
- Missionary Software Recommendations
- Using Color correctly in Slide Prentations
- Raising your Missionary Support
- Missionary Calling: 7 Ways to Identify your Calling
- So you want to be a missionary
- Information for New Missionaries
- Website with helps for Missionaries
- Missionary Calling: Processing a call into Ministry
- Missionary Resources
- Missionary Persistence
- Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
- Aristole’s three points of persuasion
- Why listen to a missionary presentation?
- A Review of the Sales Navigator App for iOS
- How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation
- Killer Presentation Skills
- Presentations: Storyboarding: Tips & Tricks
- Presentations: Actual Storyboarding & Software
- Churches in the US: Missionary Support
- Ways to “Hook” your audience
- Presentations: Storyboarding: The Process
- Great Openings and Closings
- TIPS: Tracking where you have been
- How to Create a Good Web page #1
- The 6 Rules for More Effective Slide Presentations
- Duarte – The Secret Structure of Great Talks
- WordPress How-to Boost your Adsense Earnings
- Total Commander File Explorer replacement
- Cargo Cult Gods
- Helping Missionaries: Care Packages?
- Getting on top of Missionary Correspondence
- Fix WordPress Error
- Organize your WorkFlow with Total Commander
- Missionary Document Organization Helps
- Keeping a Missionary Travel Log
- Language Learning Pointers
- Some Recommendations on How to Help Missionaries on Furlough
- Ending your presentation on time
- Fast Language Learning (6 months)
Missionary Presentations
- Success is a two edged Sword
- Missionary Presentations Q&As
- Authority endorsements
- Missionary Presentations: Photo Montagues
- Nerves Presenting Missionary Presentation
- Missionary Presentations Openings and Closings
- What to put in, and what not to put in a Missionary Presentation
Missionary Problems
- Missionary Problems: “I wish I had had more realistic expectations.”
- Missionary Problems: “I wish I knew how to deal with conflict.”
- Missionary Problems: “I wish I had known that we would be forgotten”
- Missionary Problems: “I wish I had known how difficult missions really is.”
- Missionary on Furlough Spiritual Needs
- Missionary Problems: “I wish I had known how difficult long-term fruit really is.”
- Missionary Problems: Missionary Life
- Missionary Problems: “I wish I had known about language learning and missionary relationships.”
- Missionary Attrition (Dropouts)
- I wish I had learned about spiritual warfare
- Hardships of Missionary Life
Reforming Missions
- What biblically is “a missionary”?
- Competition between missionaries
- Is Missionary Support Begging?
- Why God hates Calvinism
- Missionary Red Herrings
- Are Mission Boards biblical?
- What is the mission of Christianity?
- Is missionary tentmaking biblical?
- Q. Should missionaries tithe?