Prayer Update February 26, 2025

Prayer Update February 26, 2025

Prayer Letter for David and Tule Cox Mexico
February 25, 2025

Our Work

2025-02-26 Prayer Breakfast
2025-02-26 Prayer Breakfast

We continue to have some rebound in general interest in people, and some new people are coming, even if only once. Our services are slowly growing. But in Mexico, faithfulness doesn’t seem to be seen very much. People want to get away from bibleMexico City for the weekends, and that is understandable. But Christians need to be in church every week. Pray for our people. While most are very faithful, some have problems with consistency.

Specific Prayer Requests

We were able to visit with Miguel Angel and Eli, his wife, recently. They are supposedly Christians, but they don’t come to Sunday services because they work in a street market on Sundays. That is their only day of working. But Miguel had to talk to somebody at the door, and we were able to witness to Eli. She was raised in a Jehovah’s Witness home. She thinks she is saved because she believes in the Jesus that they teach. We explained to her that they do not hold Jesus as fully being God. Pray for their and their family’s salvation. They have a lot of turmoil in their family.

Please also pray for Luz Maria (recovering from cancer), Marcela her daughter (flu), John Roblero (prostate operation pending), Michelle (burns, is coming to church now), Susana (operation, but has been delayed) and me, David Cox (kidney problems). My urologist has put off the tests on my kidney until November, so I am probably going to seek a second opinion and maybe change urologists. Please continue to pray for our support situation.

On a side note, I have 34 websites that I maintain and to which I upload material. I want to highlight some of these websites in my prayer letters. They are part of our ministry, and I use many of them to publish my own writings, but I have many Public Domain works on them also. has about 329 Christian reference works in web pages and pdfs. We are getting about 10,000 visitors/pages viewed per day over February. Many of our websites have similar statistics. Please visit it if you have time. Everything is always free.

Statistics from My Spanish Sunday School Website –

As a side note, I am going to be sending all of our financial supporters an email with their recent donations. I recently saw a news item where the US postal service is failing to deliver letters, especially those with checks in them. I do not know how true that is, but as a confirmation of what has been given, I will try to include the amount of what our supporters send us. We thank Pastor Scott Letzing for being our home church and handling our financial affairs. If you have a question about a check that you have sent to us, and it is not cashed, please contact him (email and phone number below)

Prayer Updates:

David and Tule Cox Mexico City (321) 900-8885 [email protected] February 2025

Send Donations to: Orlando Bible Church (memo line: “for the Coxes”)
4405 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 894-0208 [email protected]

Prayer Update February 26, 2025

Download Printable PDF copy

2025-02-25-Cox-Prayer-Letter.pdf (10 downloads )