Overview of Ministry of David Cox

Overview of Ministry of David Cox is a brief overview if what is our ministry in Mexico consists of.

Mass Evangelism

Our ministry begins with mass evangelism in the street with reaching out to the unsaved with the gospel. We have done and are doing tracts distribution, one-on-one witnessing in the street, and door-to-door evangelism

We believe that God’s work has to have evangelism as its foundation.

Tract Ministry

I have written about 350 different tract titles in Spanish. We have the majority of these in our church in the back for free distribution. I also print these tracts in my office.

See Tract Production Photo Gallery

We print tracts for our people and for other churches. In 2019, we printed and distributed around 69,000 tracts. 2020 is a bad year for evangelism as it is prohibited to distribute tracts during the lockdown.

All of our Spanish tract titles are on wwwfolletosytratados.com, and I am slowly translating these tracts into English and they are on www.coxtracts.com as they become available.

I have also written around 60 short booklets, and they are on https://www.davidcoxlibros.com/. I am in the constant process of uploading these books, and it seems as though Satan is constantly bringing down this website through hackers.

Our Church Fundamental Baptist Church

Our church is from the fruit of our evangelism efforts. We have around 21 families or about 50 individual members. I am currently the pastor, and I am always looking for a Mexican pastor to take over things for me, but as of yet, God has not sent us anyone.

I preach each Sunday. Our sermons are uploaded onto our websites as God permits. I usually write a new tract for each Sunday service and preach it and upload it onto one of our websites. During 2020, I am preaching via Zoom, and these sermons are on www.ibf-tlahuac.com.

Teen Sunday School Lessons

Because we needed classes for our teens, I began writing Sunday School literature for our men teen Sunday School teachers. Over the years, I have written some 40 Sunday School classes directed at topics especially of interest to teenagers.


My Wife’s Ministry

Tule my wife has her ministry within the overview of things. She is in charge of the Children’s Sunday School class. She also teaches the other Sunday School teachers, and she organizes their literature.

She also heads up the once a month Women’s Prayer Breakfast. Besides organizing the breakfast as well as the food, she leads the women in prayer and teaches a class to the women.

The Pastor, David Cox, has the men’s counterpart, the men’s prayer breakfast usually at the same time.

Probably my wife is the most important key person in our church. She keeps up with calling those who are sick, or just don’t come, and with finding out the situation with each family in the church.

Our Website Ministry

Once upon a time, long ago when I was just beginning the present church, I noticed that I produced a lot of studies over the course of a year, and I decided to share that ministry with the Christian World. So I began to upload and build websites. Currently, we have about 32 websites, about half in English and half in Spanish.