Mexico Crimes Against Humanity

MexicoNewsDaily: Mexico Crimes Against Humanity

Topic: Mexico Crimes Against Humanity
By David Cox

Mexico Crimes Against HumanityIn this commentary we look at the Mexico News Daily article which reveals a great problem in Mexico. The great problem in Mexico is that of the corruption of the very forces that are supposed to be protecting the population are the very ones that are doing the crimes.

It is amazing to see how easily, common, and unremarkable to find elements in police forces (as well as judges, lawyers, government officials, etc) which are on the cartel payrolls. During Salinas de Gortari’s presidency, the US DEA stopped sharing any intel with Mexico, because while they were watching a drug lord in a house, they notified the Mexican counterparts, and within “MINUTES” the drug lord received a phone call and fled. This happened so many times that they just stopped sharing anything.

The Mexican police in the border cities near Texas are often grabbed by the federal police (the entire cities police force) restricted to barracks, and all their guns collected and test against known crimes. That usually nets dozens of links between these police and known murders. Wierd laws like policemen cannot have a cell phone on their person while on duty comes because between gathering up a police force in police buses to go raid a drug lord and arriving there, they are gone. They grab all the police’s telephones with them and somebody called and tipped them off!

MX violence: crimes against humanity

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Hillary Career Criminal

Hillary Career Criminal

Topic: Hillary Career Criminal
By David Cox

Hillary Career CriminalAgain, another clear and substantial list of criminal activities which Hillary (and Bill) Clinton did. Hillary Clinton is a criminal. In this post I am summarizing the video and also making some comments about it. There is no doubt about it. Even Democratics are now understanding this and turning against her.

Bill Clinton has earned the nickname of “Slick Willy”, and Hillary deserves the same. He has earned that nickname because over the years, despite obvious criminal wrongdoing, instead, he has come out of it without any jail time. This does not mean he was innocent. It means that the attorneys general could not get a case against. Why? Well, there is a long trail of suspicious deaths of unfortunate people that were testifying against one of the Clintons that died suddenly closing such criminal cases.

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Mexico’s President Proposes lax Marijuana Laws

This article on Mexican Marijuana Laws is my opinion and commentary on an article in the Huffington Post



Basically this Relaxing of Mexican Marijuana Laws is a continuation of Mexico’s policies from before this president. It is just an increase in the amount of drug. The issue of medicinal marijuana use is a difficult one. Basically it appears to work in some cases, bi-polar disorder, and other cancer cases. From my understanding it is not just to kill pain, but to also cure some symptoms in cancer cases.

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Clinton illegally protects Ukrainian Pinchuk

Clinton illegally protects Ukrainian Pinchuk

Topic: Clinton illegally protects Ukrainian Pinchuk
Commentary by David Cox

The summary of this is that Hillary protected from prosecution or investigation. When Hillary was Secretary of State, Pinchuk (the fourth richest man in the Ukraine) illegally sold pipelines to Iran, but Pinchuk gave $8.6 million to the Clinton foundation, and Mrs. Clinton turned a blind eye towards this illegal activity.

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Catholic homosexual priests are significant

Catholic homosexual priests are significant

Topic: Catholic homosexual priests are significant
By David Cox

Pope Bendict has given a papal document declaring that men which are homosexuals or have homosexual tendencies should not apply for the priesthood, and even “slight” homosexual tendencies should be overcome at least 3 years before applying to the priesthood ( While outwardly the Church stands strongly against homosexuality, inwardly the truth is that it is rampant among their priests and bishops.

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